Application Process | Student Criteria | Curriculum Requirements | Tuition and Fees
Student Criteria:
- All students must have an ACT composite score of 19 or better (see ACT test information below) or take the ChattState Accuplacer.
- Along with a composite score of 19 or better, ACT sub-scores must meet the requirements of 19 or better for Math, 18 or better for English, and 19 or better for Reading or 250 on Reading, Writing and Math Accuplacer.
- Students must have a GPS of 2.0 or higher.
- Students must be entering their freshmen, sophomore, junior, or senior year in high school.
- 10th - 12th grade students must be on track for graduation
Attend High School at Chattanooga State!
Students at Collegiate High have full access to the Chattanooga State campus, including clubs, organizations, intramural sports, and student government. Also, students have an opportunity to participate in the UTC marching band program, Chattanooga State Symphonic Band, and Concert Choir.
Still Not Convinced? Here Are More Advantages
Earn high school and college credit simultaneously
Earn an Associate Degree while completing a high school diploma
Engineering/Technology programs available
Schedule flexibility
Availability of college support services including mentoring, counseling, learning tutoring clubs
Accessibility to state-of-the art computer labs
Small teacher/student ratio
Explore a variety of careers and opportunities
Enjoy learning on a college campus