Attendance Policies

Tardy Policy

Punctuality is a trait that is critical to success in both the academic world and the workplace. As such, tardiness will not be tolerated as each interruption takes away from class concentration. .

Administration reserves the right to serve increased punishment for chronic tardiness.

Hamilton County Department of Education

Attendance Policy (6.200)

Regular attendance is essential for academic achievement. Recognizing that, the following procedures govern attendance:

* Absences are recorded daily by class.

* Written excuses stating the reason for absences must be turned in to the Collegiate High office within five (5) days of the student returning to school.  After 5 business days, excuses will remain posted as UNEXCUSED.

* By law students are allowed 5 unexcused absences per school year. HCDE will allow parent/guardian excuses to serve as documentation for 5 additional personal illness days. **After the 5 unexcused days and the 5 additional personal illness days, parents must provide medical services documentation.** To avoid student absences being recorded as unexcused, a written statement signed and dated by the parent or guardian and any medical documentation should be presented to the school within 5 days of the student returning to school.

The following are legal reasons for excusing a student from school:

Personal Illness - A physician's statement may be required.

Death in Immediate Family - Students may be excused for three days in the event of a death in their immediate families including parents, step-parents, siblings, or grandparents.

Family Illness - Students having an illness in the family which requires them to give temporary help will be excused from attendance after receipt of a physician's statement concerning the necessity of the student's assistance.

Religious Holiday - Students shall be excused on religious holidays regularly observed by their faith. Prior approval may be required.

Personal - Students who are absent for a good cause - doctor, dental, or court appointment may be excused upon proof of appointment.

Approved School Sponsored Activities - Students shall be marked present when participating in a school sponsored activity away from the school building.

Excessive absences are governed by Tennessee State Law, which requires that school officials report to the court any parent, guardian, or other person in a parental relationship with a child who is unlawfully absent from school for any five days during the school year without adequate excuse.  TCA 49-6-3007

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